The proof of the Lordship of Jesus over our lives is in doing the things he says. He likens such a person to a wise man who built his house and laid the foundation on a rock. The floods beat vehemently upon the house and could not shake it. His lordship is his victorious life over everything and that empowers us to represent him. His lordship positions you to master the circumstances of life. However, you would have to be a reflection of who he is in order to represent him. And there is no approved path to reflecting him than to make time to commune with the Lord and press deeper into him.
Sometimes the storms are people
Mark 3:6 KJV
And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.
Do you know, some people had it as their goal to destroy Jesus? This happens in life. People can take counsel to wreak havoc in your life in order to satisfy their own selfish ambitions. The question you should ask yourself is, “If this should happen to me, will I survive it?” The truth is you can survive it, but will you? Are you building spiritual stamina to outlast anybody who decides to take you on? The above scripture is an imminent storm that await men and women who have resolved to make generational impact; where men of influence purpose to erase you from the space, market or industry in which you find yourself. Practicing the wisdom of the Word is your only sure to way to overcoming the storms of life.
You cannot claim to be making impact before you collide with the storms of life. The evidence of real impact can only be seen after the storms. Those who will make impact are those whose life’s work will remain standing after the storms have settled. There were businesses that just shot up, companies that emerged which seemed to be making impact until they were hit by boisterous storms and are nowhere to be found today. You have not made impact until the floods have beaten upon your life’s work. It is wisdom therefore to ensure you are building with storm proof materials. Doing the Word and walking in the light of the Word is how you build with storm proof materials.
Ordained to be with him
Mark 3:14 KJV
And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils.
Your priority and responsibility is to be with him. Usually, the reverse is what we see; people are ordained to serve and preach. But he ordained or set twelve apart, and what was the purpose of this ordination? It was first of all to be with him. There is nothing as important in your day as spending time with Jesus. You would need to voraciously fight everything to be with him. He wants you to just hang around him. It may look as if you are wasting time and you are not making progress, but he is worth hanging out with. Comparatively, it may look as though others are busily making impact, but accept his invitation to be with him with dogged determination. And if you would notice from the scripture above, he only sends those who have been with him. For such people, no matter what comes, they will definitely overcome.
Accessing his heart
Being around him gives you access to his heart and not just his hand. With his heart we reflect him and with his hand we represent him. Jesus ordained the twelve disciples to be apostles of his presence. Their job description was to hang around him before he sent them out to represent him. When you spend time with the Lord, you will imbibe what he represents; absorb his personality and his habits will rub off you. From that place of his presence, he will send you forth to preach, set up businesses, take over territories, to represent him, with a message for your generation, as a beacon of hope and a blessing.
More than a man of steel
God desires to make you more than a man or woman of steel; unbreakable. He wants to make you so strong and tough. Jesus, as a 33 year old man, withstood hatred and diabolic opposition that would plunge many into chronic depression. Regardless of countless attacks and provocations, he could say, “the Father loves the Son…” It takes one who is sturdily built by God to say such a thing amidst zealous antagonists. He was a man of a kind, and he wants to groom and mentor you to be like him by spending time with him. No life coach in town can compare to Jesus. He wants to build virtues in you that nothing can destroy.
Take action.
Rule and Subdue the earth!